Psoriasis: how to treat psoriasis on the head

They can only form a few small plates that do not slow down the growth of hair. The disease can appear at any age and often is inherited.

psoriasis on the head

If a person has psoriasis in the head, this does not mean that he is going to fall the hair. Flake formation can be detrimental to the hair as the hair roots much deeper than the plates. The scales of psoriasis are separated from each other. The skin between the healthy and not subject to defeat. Contain a large amount of the sebum, they form lumps and thus makes itself felt on the head.

There are several stages of psoriasis of the scalp:

  • Progress – in this stage, there are new education and existing plaques are distributed on the periphery, outside of the scalp.
  • Fixed — in this stage, the existing education does not disappear and the new formats.
  • Regression– in this stage of education in the head will disappear, and instead of plates formed discolored spots.

Causes of psoriasis on the head

Psoriasis occurs due to the violation of metabolic processes in the skin. Many experts believe that it is a multifactorial disease, so causes of psoriasis in your head a lot: metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, the failure of the immune system, the formation of foci of inflammation in the body, infectious diseases, the failure in the hormonal system, lesions on the scalp, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, regulate stress and mental disorders, and hereditary factors.

In psoriasis, the body responds inappropriately to external stimuli, therefore, there is no increased cell division and rapid growth of the upper layer of the scalp. The body's immune system perceives its own cells as foreign. The normal cycle of cell division and renewal is 25 days. In psoriasis the process is accelerated, and the cycle time is 5 days.

For this reason, the old cells do not have time to fall away, a new superimposed on the old, formed in the field of inflammation, blows, pink-white nodules, covered with large epithelial cells. With time, they coalesce and form large red spots. Education in the scalp do not affect hair growth and promote hair loss. However, when their injuries arise new lesions.

Symptoms of psoriasis on the head

More often psoriasis affects these areas of the scalp:

  • earlobes, skin behind the ears and about them;
  • parted;
  • occipital, back of the neck and the forehead.

The symptoms of psoriasis in the head depend on the form and stage of the disease and are manifested in different degrees. In the first stage there is a slight flaking of the skin in certain areas. Most often, psoriasis occurs on the nape. Then the skin peels off stronger and there is a small irritation and itching. With time, the itching becomes strong and the patient scratching the skin to prevent cracks and bleeding. Can form wounds and abrasions to the skin.

In the next phase of psoriasis formed large plaques of red color and bumps. The skin becomes dry and inelastic, thickens and breaks easily. On the plates actively eliminate the cells dead of the skin, which leads to the formation of gray scales, which can cover almost all of the skin under the hair. If the patient is not treated, the psoriasis is spreading beyond the area of growth of hair on the rest of the head.

In children, there is redness of the scalp and diaper rash. Formed plates that are difficult to treat. There is a strong itching, inflammation and pain. In some cases, psoriasis can affect the sink's ears, but often suffer from skin behind the ears and on top of them.

Treatment of psoriasis on the head

Treatment of scalp psoriasis is complex and includes many tools for outdoor and indoor use. During and after treatment must adhere to a strict diet that the disease has not progressed. The patient has been assigned as sedatives for stress, vitamins a, B1, B6, B12, C for the recovery processes of the skin, strengthening the immune system. Widely used calcium supplements, folic, nicotinic acid, ATP and other drugs to strengthen the immune system. For outdoor use prescribed 1-2% salicylic ointment. It is useful to take baths and rinse the head with water, with the addition of herbal decoctions of sage, chamomile, celandine, succession.

For the treatment of psoriasis on head the use of drugs that contain hormone — corticosteroids. They are very effective and help you to achieve rapid results, however, have many side effects, therefore, are prescribed in severe stages of psoriasis. In the severe form of psoriasis it is recommended to make a short cut, as we often have to apply ointments and creams and washing my head every day. You need to avoid complicated hairstyles, styling, and less likely to pull hair elastic, Bobby pins. Do not use sharp pins, stealth, curlers, ploek, as they can damage the skin. Hair can be dried with a hairdryer on a gentle setting to not dry the scalp.

Effective drugs for the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp is an ad hoc solution. This solution, which is applied to the skin. At the beginning of the therapy the skin is treated with a solution of 2 times a day, morning and evening. After the slowdown of the plaque formation, the solution can be applied to 1 hour per day, and later to shorten the process up to 3-4 times a week. Also apply the necessary ointments, gels and shampoos based on tar, zinc for scalp and hair. Eliminate the inflammation, pain symptoms, promote relaxation and skin nourishment.

How to treat psoriasis in the head in another way: ultraviolet radiation, therapy, PUVA, hydrotherapy, laser irradiation, hemosorption, plasmapheresis. Cash flows from mud and salt baths, therapeutic and prophylactic stations in Red and the Dead seas.

Treatment of psoriasis in the head folk remedies

the treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis on the head of a well-established treatment of folk ways. Includes herbal teas and tinctures on herbs, the treatment of scalp oils, masks for the head based on plants and oils, shampoos, herbal, tar. The most effective folk remedy for psoriasis on the head:

  • The most effective remedy for psoriasis is considered to be the celandine. Has disinfectant, cauterizing effect, relieves pain symptoms, promote rapid healing of wounds and relieve the inflammation. A decoction of celandine is used for the bathroom, rinse the head, from the juice of celandine tincture and moistened psoriatic plaques.
  • Alcohol, extract of chamomile promotes the healing of psoriasis of the scalp. It should be taken 3 times a day 20 drops.
  • Divorced mustard is a good remedy for psoriasis. You will need a dry mustard – 2 tablespoons hot water – 2 tablespoons, olive oil or any cosmetic - 2 tablespoons, 1 egg yolk, sugar, – 2 tablespoons of mix Everything carefully and apply on the scalp. Leave on for 15-20 minutes to get the head warmed up. The mask is then baked, but that's okay. Then, rinse the head with warm water.
  • The scalp effectively applying the mask of clay with sea salt. Mix the clay with salt and add a bit of water until you obtain a paste. Apply on the scalp for 15 minutes, then rinse well with warm water.
  • In the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp use the manure from the bow. Stimulates hair growth, soothes inflammation and itching.

Effective home remedy for psoriasis of the head is a compress of oils. After the mask clean the head treatment shampoo. For a compress you will need to heat the mixture of vegetable oils, peanut and olive oil. Slightly apply oil to the scalp, massage in and wear a shower cap, wrap a towel. The procedure is best done at night, in the morning wash your hair.

Treatment of psoriasis in the head of the home includes several recommendations on taking care of hair. Washing and drying of hair, care must be taken not to damage the plate. It should be alternating between normal and treatment shampoo to quickly restore the moisture balance of the scalp. When drying with a hair Dryer should be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the head, and nozzles and nozzles should be used. During treatment it is best not to use the tweezers and curlers for hair, hair can fall. In addition, the head need to wash the skin behind the ears.

You must comply with diet therapy and eliminate the harmful foods. Exclude fatty, fried, salty, smoked, spicy dishes, sweet, spicy, canned food, vegetables and fruits of red color. Cause allergies and increase the process of inflammation.